How to Make Group Travel Arrangements Using Other Methods |
- If specific operating requirements make it necessary to issue a contract for group travel and/or meeting and conference services directly with the hotel, etc., contact Travel Services at travel@umd.edu or 301.405.0607 for direction on how to proceed.
- If Travel Services determines that a department cannot be served by a University contract travel agency, the department will be responsible for providing additional information throughout the process as directed by Travel Services. This additional information will include, but is not limited to, the following:
- Competitive bid information or sole source justification if the anticipated contract value exceeds $5,000
- Electronic version of the proposed vendor contract (preferably in Microsoft Word)
- Full contact information for the proposed vendor, including: firm name, firm street address, contact person name, and contact person phone number, email address, and fax number
- Vendor's Federal Employer Identification (FEI) Number
- A Group Travel Approval Request (TAR) that states in the Comments section of the TAR that the department agrees to the business terms (e.g., event details, cancellation policy, attrition penalties, etc.) of the vendor's agreement.
- Email verification that the order is not valid for the purchase of alcoholic beverages
- Approximate dollar value of the order
- Requisition form if applicable (utilized when the order exceeds delegated authority and the vendor does not accept credit card payments)
- Form of payment information (completed and signed Travel Card authorization form)